Monday, July 24, 2006

Towards some world .....

Today , yes might call it one of the most fascinating day of my life , but not in practical terms and actual meanings . I donno why I have a feeling i never had before .. The day started little busy today . Since early morning I had various assignments ,an examination for one of my universities debar trimester where I was detained from giving examination due to short attendance , after that I had to come home and design a dress for my beloved pet dog Lucy for a dog fancy dress show , as I got her enrolled for a celebration on the world vat nary day . Then had to rush up to the chat session venue and from there straight to the dog show .

Today after clearing CAT examination one of the toughest exams of the world [as they say ] I was called by my coaching institute T.I.M.E for a chat session with all the aspirants of next years cat … surprisingly the dog show and chat show happened just back to back…

Firstly I went to the chat session , spoke about my examination , paper solving strategy , group discussion , personal interviews and what not … as if I m a great academician . The young faces were fresh and eager r to extract more and more fundas .. Was almost felling like a celebrity when delivering my speech in that fully occupied banquet hall of elite class hotel .
People wanted to know about my experiences .. Wanted to know about the attitude , positivism and again a big what not !!!! Some asked for mail id some for autograph [now that really touched me ] although I refused and asked to definitely give an autograph if I become some big thing some day . Felt as if this world is taking me i don’t know where …

finally after some hours I seeked time to move out and rush to the dog show … took my lill cutey Lucy .. A female Dutch hound for a ramp walk and discovered that she is so fabulous in a dress of princess that she just won being the best . Lottssa applaud … free dog food , shield and certi for the wining baby …

Now that really delighted me . Was exhausted saw the watch its already 2300 hrs .. Came back home with 2 trophies and a shield in hand .. Shield to my baby doggie , and trophies to me … for those dog quiz i won on the spot .

Returned home with a handful of success and bagful of appreciation and good wishes . .. Things seemed something but not satisfaction , momentary excitement but not joy , quite some more fame but not happiness … I don’t know where my life is taking me .. I am just trying to live in peoples smiles now . Tomorrow have that same old debar viva repeat examination .. And am feeling less .

In my dreams and desires I still wanna abscond to Himalayas , set up a small dance school , and do some more tarot reading and reiki healing .. Ok its high time now ,tell me god what’s u r plan for me ? Y these glossy games with me ?